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Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 18 (2), 128 - 130 (2004)

Antileukemic activity of epirubicin conjugated with biopolymer dextran against lymphoid leukemia L1210 as tumor model

N. Todorova1, M. Ilarionova2, K. Todorov3, D. Todorov2

  1. Department of Biotechnology, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  2. Laboratory of Oncopharmacology, National Oncological Center 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria
  3. Chemotherapy Unit, Sofia Cancer Center, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria


The antileukemic activity of the original conjugate of anthracycline antitumor antibiotic epirubicin, covalently bound to the biopolymer dextran was studied. The ascitic lymphoid leukemia L 1210 (transplantation dose 1x105 tumor cells/mouse, i. p.), in hybrid mice BDF1, was used as tumor model. An antileukemic activity of the studied original conjugate was found. The criterion “increase of life span” (ILS%) reached maximally 136,6% for the conjugate. The studied conjugate of biopolymer dextran with epirubicin showed lower toxicity but also lower antileukemic activity in comparison with free epirubicin. The further experiments in this field are in progress, aiming to design better conjugates, with potential clinical use.


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