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Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 18 (2), 104 - 111 (2004)

The effects of sultan 70 WG on stomotal function

M. Sarsağ, M. Ünal

Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Istanbul, Turkey


Sultan 70 WG that belongs to Sulphonylurea (SU) herbicides was used in this study. Purpose of the study was to determine the effects of Sultan 70 WG which is one of the new herbicides in last five years on stomatal function. Both microscopically and biochemically parameters were measured as interested to stomata openning and closing. The effect of this herbicide was investigated as to the aperture of stomata of leaf tip and base compared. Chlorophyll and total protein amount, peroxidase activity (PO) were determined at the end of biochemical studies. Also guard cell protoplast isolation and purification were done and K+ content of these cells were established. Length and fresh-dry weight analysis belonging to control and herbicide-applied plants were taken. The effects of Sultan 70 WG on leaves especially stomata were tried to be recognized with this work.


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