Diagnosis Press is delighted to announce a new publishing partnership with Taylor & Francis for Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment commencing with the first issue for 2014. Rod Cookson, Editorial Director for Environment & Agriculture Journals at Taylor & Francis, said “The team at Diagnosis Press has built Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment into a quality title with genuinely international readership. Taylor & Francis is delighted to be helping the Journal take the next step in its journey.” The Editorial Board and Editors-in-Chief of Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, together with the whole Diagnosis Press team, will continue working devotedly for the successful development of the journal. Established in 1984, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (B&BE) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes original research articles, reviews and editorials in the fields of modern biotechnology, agriculture, ecology, food industry, medicine and pharmacy, public health protection, bioinformatics and biotechnological equipment, as well as in similar scientific fields where biotechnological achievements are used. The Journal currently has an Impact Factor of 0.622 and a Five-Year Impact Factor of 0.623. B&BE will continue to be an open access journal, with an Article Publishing Charge (APC) to authors of €500. Taylor & Francis is proud and honoured to enter a partnership with Diagnosis Press. Our UK office will provide liaison and support, while the company’s international marketing networks will ensure that the Journal’s papers are seen, read and cited by active researchers around the world. |